Android quiz questions

Android interview questions

  • 1.

    What is an HTTP client class in android?

    1. httprequest(get/post) and returns response from the server

    2. Cookies management

    3. Authentication management

    4. None of the above

  • 2.

    What are the debugging techniques available in android?

    1. DDMS

    2. Breaking point

    3. Memory profiling

    4. All of the above.

  • 3.

    What is an anonymous class in android?

    1. Interface class

    2. A class that does not have a name but have functionalities in it

    3. Java class

    4. Manifest file

  • 4.

    How to store heavy structured data in android?

    1. Shared Preferences

    2. Cursor

    3. SQlite database

    4. Not possible

  • 5.

    What are the functionalities of Binder services in android?

    1. A- Binder is responsible to manage the thread while using aidl in android

    2. B- Binder is responsible for marshalling and un-marshalling of the data

    3. A&B

    4. Binder is a kind of interface

    5. None of the above

  • 6.

    What are the layouts available in android?

    1. Linear Layout

    2. Frame Layout

    3. Table Layout

    4. Relative Layout

    5. All of above

  • 7.

    How to kill an activity in Android?

    1. A - finish()

    2. B - finishActivity(int requestCode)

    3. C - kill()

    4. D - None of the Above

    5. E - A and B


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