Bootstrap quiz questions

Bootstrap interview questions

  • 1.

    Which of the following is correct about data-trigger Data attribute of popover Plugin?

    1. Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the popover is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the popover in ms.

  • 2.

     Which of the following is correct about data-title Data attribute of popover Plugin?

    1.  Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the popover is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the popover in ms.

  • 3.

     Which of the following is correct about data-selector Data attribute of Popover Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the popover.

    2. Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 4.

      Which of the following is correct about data-placement Data attribute of Popover Plugin?

    1.    Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the popover.

    2. Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 5.

       Which of the following is correct about data-html Data attribute of Popover Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the popover.

    2. Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 6.

       Which of the following is correct about data-animation Data attribute of Popover Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the popover.

    2. Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 7.

     Which of the following is correct about Popover Plugin?

    1.   You can toggle the Popover plugin's hidden content via data att ributes.

    2.  You can toggle the Popover plugin's hidden content via javascript.

    3.  Both of the above.

    4.  None of the above.

  • 8.

     Which of the following is correct about data-delay Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the tooltip is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

  • 9.

     Which of the following is correct about data-content Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the tooltip is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

  • 10.

     Which of the following is correct about data-trigger Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the tooltip is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

  • 11.

    Which of the following is correct about data-title Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Sets the default title value if the title att ribute isn't present.

    2.  Defines how the tooltip is t riggered.

    3.  Defines default content value if data-content att ribute isn't present

    4.  Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

  • 12.

    Which of the following is correct about data-selector Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the tooltip.

    2. Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 13.

    Which of the following is correct about data-placement Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the tooltip.

    2. Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 14.

     Which of the following is correct about data-html Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.  Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the tooltip.

    2. Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4.  Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 15.

     Which of the following is correct about data-animation Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

    1.   Applies a CSS fade t ransition to the tooltip.

    2. Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.

    3.  Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

    4. Delegates to the specified targets.

  • 16.

    Which of the following is correct about Scrollspy Plugin?

    1.  You can toggle the Scrollspy plugin's hidden content via data att ributes.

    2.  You can toggle the Scrollspy plugin's hidden content via javascript.

    3. Both of the above.

    4. None of the above.

  • 17.

    Which of the following is correct about dropdown Plugin?

    1.  You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via data att ributes.

    2.  You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via javascript.

    3.  Both of the above.

    4.  None of the above.

  • 18.

      Which of the following is correct about data-remote Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

    1.  It specifies static for a backdrop, if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.

    2. It closes the modal when escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.

    3.  It shows the modal when initialized.

    4. Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

  • 19.

     Which of the following is correct about data-show Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

    1. It specifies static for a backdrop, if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.

    2.  It closes the modal when escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.

    3.  It shows the modal when initialized.

    4. Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

  • 20.

     Which of the following is correct about data-keyboard Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

    1. It specifies static for a backdrop, if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.

    2.  It closes the modal when escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.

    3. It shows the modal when initialized.

    4. Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.


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