Python quiz questions

Python interview questions

  • 1.

    Three concurrent processes X, Y, and Z execute three different code segments that access and update certain shared variables. Process X executes the P operation (i.e., wait) on semaphores a, b and c; process Y executes the P operation on semaphores b, c and d; process Z executes the P operation on semaphores c, d, and a before entering the respective code segments. After completing the execution of its code segment, each process invokes the V operation (i.e., signal) on its three semaphores. All semaphores are binary semaphores initialized to one. Which one of the following represents a deadlock-free order of invoking the P operations by the processes?

    1. X: P(a)P(b)P(c) Y: P(b)P(c)P(d) Z: P(c)P(d)P(a)

    2. X: P(b)P(a)P(c) Y: P(b)P(c)P(d) Z: P(a)P(c)P(d)

    3. X: P(b)P(a)P(c) Y: P(c)P(b)P(d) Z: P(a)P(c)P(d)

    4. X: P(a)P(b)P(c) Y: P(c)P(b)P(d) Z: P(c)P(d)P(a)

  • 2.

    A certain computation generates two arrays a and b such that a[i]=f(i) for 0 ≤ i < n and b[i]=g(a[i]) for 0 ≤ i < n. Suppose this computation is decomposed into two concurrent processes X and Y such that X computes the array a and Y computes the array b. The processes employ two binary semaphores R and S, both initialized to zero. The array a is shared by the two processes. The structures of the processes are shown below.

    Process X:                         Process Y:
    private i;                         private i;
    for (i=0; i < n; i++) {            for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
       a[i] = f(i);                       EntryY(R, S);
       ExitX(R, S);                       b[i]=g(a[i]);
    }                                 }

    Which one of the following represents the CORRECT implementations of ExitX and EntryY?


    ExitX(R, S) {
    EntryY (R, S) {


    ExitX(R, S) {
    EntryY(R, S) {


    ExitX(R, S) {
    EntryY(R, S) {


    ExitX(R, S) {
    EntryY(R, S) {


    1. A

    2. B

    3. C

    4. D

  • 3.

    A shared variable x, initialized to zero, is operated on by four concurrent processes W, X, Y, Z as follows. Each of the processes W and X reads x from memory, increments by one, stores it to memory, and then terminates. Each of the processes Y and Z reads x from memory, decrements by two, stores it to memory, and then terminates. Each process before reading x invokes the P operation (i.e., wait) on a counting semaphore S and invokes the V operation (i.e., signal) on the semaphore S after storing x to memory. Semaphore S is initialized to two. What is the maximum possible value of x after all processes complete execution? (GATE CS 2013)

    1. -2

    2. -1

    3. 1

    4. 2

  • 4.

    A shared variable x, initialized to zero, is operated on by four concurrent processes W, X, Y, Z as follows. Each of the processes W and X reads x from memory, increments by one, stores it to memory, and then terminates. Each of the processes Y and Z reads x from memory, decrements by two, stores it to memory, and then terminates. Each process before reading x invokes the P operation (i.e., wait) on a counting semaphore S and invokes the V operation (i.e., signal) on the semaphore S after storing x to memory. Semaphore S is initialized to two. What is the maximum possible value of x after all processes complete execution? (GATE CS 2013)

    1. -2

    2. -1

    3. 1

    4. 2

  • 5.

    Three concurrent processes X, Y, and Z execute three different code segments that access and update certain shared variables. Process X executes the P operation (i.e., wait) on semaphores a, b and c; process Y executes the P operation on semaphores b, c and d; process Z executes the P operation on semaphores c, d, and a before entering the respective code segments. After completing the execution of its code segment, each process invokes the V operation (i.e., signal) on its three semaphores. All semaphores are binary semaphores initialized to one. Which one of the following represents a deadlockfree order of invoking the P operations by the processes? (GATE CS 2013).

    1. X: P(a)P(b)P(c) Y:P(b)P(c)P(d) Z:P(c)P(d)P(a)

    2. X: P(b)P(a)P(c) Y:P(b)P(c)P(d) Z:P(a)P(c)P(d)

    3. X: P(b)P(a)P(c) Y:P(c)P(b)P(d) Z:P(a)P(c)P(d)

    4. X: P(a)P(b)P(c) Y:P(c)P(b)P(d) Z:P(c)P(d)P(a)

  • 6.

    The atomic fetch-and-set x, y instruction unconditionally sets the memory location x to 1 and fetches the old value of x in y without allowing any intervening access to the memory location x. consider the following implementation of P and V functions on a binary semaphore .

    void P (binary_semaphore *s) {
      unsigned y;
      unsigned *x = &(s->value);
      do {
         fetch-and-set x, y;
      } while (y);
    void V (binary_semaphore *s) {
      S->value = 0;

    Which one of the following is true?

    1. The implementation may not work if context switching is disabled in P.

    2. Instead of using fetch-and-set, a pair of normal load/store can be used

    3. The implementation of V is wrong

    4. The code does not implement a binary semaphore

  • 7.

    Consider the following code fragment:

    if (fork() == 0)
    { a = a + 5; printf("%d,%d\n", a, &a); }
    else { a = a –5; printf("%d, %d\n", a, &a); } 

    Let u, v be the values printed by the parent process, and x, y be the values printed by the child process. Which one of the following is TRUE?

    1. u = x + 10 and v = y

    2. u = x + 10 and v != y

    3. u + 10 = x and v = y

    4. u + 10 = x and v != y

  • 8.

    What does the below code intended to do?

    def a(b, c, d):
    1. defines a set and initializes it.

    2. defines a function, which does nothing.

    3. defines an empty class.

    4. defines a method, which passes its parameters through.

  • 9.

    Which function does in-place reversal of objects in a list?

    1. list.pop(obj=list[-1])

    2. list.remove(obj)

    3. list.sort([func])

    4. list.reverse()

  • 10.

    What gets printed as the output of the below code?

    x = True
    y = False
    z = False
    if not x or y:
        print 1
    elif not x or not y and z:
        print 2
    elif not x or y or not y and x:
        print 3
        print 4
    1. 1

    2. 4

    3. 2

    4. 3

  • 11.

    What is the output of the following Python code?

    tinytuple = (123, 'techbeamers')
    print tinytuple * 2
    1. (123, 'techbeamers') * 2

    2. (123, 'techbeamers', 123, 'techbeamers')

    3. None of the above

    4. Error

  • 12.

    What would be the result of the following expression in Python?

    print 3/5
    1. 0.6

    2. 0

    3. 6/10

    4. None of the above

  • 13.

    What is the output of the below Python code?

    a = [1,2,3,None,(),[],]
    print len(a)
    1. 5

    2. 6

    3. 4

    4. syntax error

  • 14.

    If the following statement is run in Python, what will be the result?

    print abc
    1. =abc

    2. 'abc'

    3. NameError: name 'abc' is not defined

    4. abc

  • 15.

    What is the output of the following code?

    def f():
    print type(f())
    1. <type 'function'>

    2. <type 'type'>

    3. <type 'NoneType'>

    4. <type 'tuple'>

  • 16.

    What is the output of following code?

    list = [ 'Tech', 404, 3.03, 'Beamers', 33.3 ]
    print list[1:3]
    1. [ 'Tech', 404, 3.03, 'Beamers', 33.3 ]

    2. [404, 3.03]

    3. ['Tech', 'Beamers']

    4. None of the above

  • 17.

    If the following code is run in Python, what would be the result?

    num = '5'*'5'
    1. 333

    2. 27

    3. 9

    4. TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'

  • 18.

    Which of the following functions print the output to the console?

    1. console.log

    2. print

    3. output

    4. echo

  • 19.

    Is the following statement correct?

    There are two types of numbers in Python: integers and assigned values.

    1. True

    2. False

  • 20.

    What is the output of the following code?

    import re
    sentence = 'Learn Python Programming'
    test = re.match(r'(.*) (.*?) (.*)', sentence)
    1. (‘Learn’, ‘Programming’)

    2. (Learn, Python, Programming)

    3. Learn Python Programming

    4. ‘Learn Python Programming’


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