Comprehensive SQL quiz and questions from basic to advanced level that help you to review your SQL language knowledge and become the master of SQL language. Please read the following question carefully and select the correct anwser, you have to make your choice before going to the next question.
Recent added questions
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
A view doesn’t have data of its own.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
A DDL statement or a DCL statement is automatically committed.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
You can use a subquery in an INSERT statement.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
Attempting to delete a record with a value attached to an integrity constraint, returns an error.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
While inserting new rows in a table you must list values in the default order of the columns.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
Multiple column subqueries return more than one column from the inner SELECT statement.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
A multiple row subquery returns more than one row from the inner SELECT statement.
Say True or False. Give explanation if False.
All group functions ignore null values.
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