What is the difference between rnorm and runif functions ?
rnorm function generates "n" normal random numbers based on the mean and standard deviation arguments passed to the function.
Syntax of rnorm function -
rnorm(n, mean = , sd = )
runif function generates "n" unform random numbers in the interval of minimum and maximum values passed to the function.
Syntax of runif function -
runif(n, min = , max = )
_________ uniforms and customizes plots of packages ggplot2, graphics and lattice.
Answer______ is used for Visualisation, verification and calibration of ternary probabilistic forecasts.
AnswerWhich of the following package contains functions for reading and displaying satellite data for oceanographic applications with R ?
Answer__________ is used for the analysis of air pollution data.
AnswerWhich of the following is used to analyze paleontological time-series ?
AnswerWhich of the following package provide namespace management functions not yet present in base R ?
Answer________ performs class prediction based on microarray data and clinical parameters
Answer________ is a package for parsing, applying, and manipulating data cleaning rules
Answer______ finds K best paths in a given graph.
Answer______ Uses Grieg-Smith method on 2 dimensional spatial data
Answer_________ searches for significant clusters in genetic data.
Answer______ specializes in functions for analytical Customer Relationship Management.
AnswerWhich of the following is an R package for the exploratory analysis of genetic and genomic data ?
Answer__________ is used for selecting regression transformations
AnswerWhich of the following contains functions for processing uniaxial minute-to-minute accelerometer data ?
AnswerWhich of the following package combine multi-dimensional arrays ?
Answer________ contains tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC).
Answer________ is used to view packages currently loaded.
Answer______ is used to get library location in R.
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